Welcome to YA Scavenger Hunt! This bi-annual event was first organized by author Colleen Houck as a way to give readers a chance to gain access to exclusive bonus material from their favorite authors...and a chance to win some awesome prizes! At this hunt, you not only get access to exclusive content from each author, you also get a clue for the hunt. Add up the clues, and you can enter for our prize--one lucky winner will receive one book from each author on the hunt in my team!But play fast: this contest (and all the exclusive bonus material) will only be online for 72 hours!
Go to the YA Scavenger Hunt page to find out all about the hunt. There are
NINE contests going on simultaneously, and you can enter one or all!
I am a part of the
--but there is also
RED, BLUE,GOLD,GREEN,ORANGE,TEAL,PURPLE,& SILVER for a chance to win a whole different set of books!
If you'd like to find out more about the hunt, see links to all the authors participating, and see the full list of prizes up for grabs,
go to the YA Scavenger Hunt page.
Directions: Below, you'll notice that I've listed my favorite number. Collect the favorite numbers of all the authors on the
pink team, and then add them up (don't worry, you can use a calculator!).
Rules: Open internationally, anyone below the age of 18 should have a parent or guardian's permission to enter. To be eligible for the grand prize, you must submit the completed entry form by
April 3at noon Pacific Time. Entries sent without the correct number or
without contact information will not be considered.
I am hosting Christopher Mannino on my website for the YA Scavenger Hunt!
Author Bio: Christopher
Mannino is a high school theatre teacher, and the author of The Scythe
Wielder's Secret series of YA novels.
Find out more information by checking out the author website or find more about the author's book here!
Thrust into a world of men, can a timid girl find
bravery as the first female Death?
And don't forget to enter the contest for a chance to win a ton of books by me,
Christopher Mannino, and more! To enter, you need to know that my favorite number is
9. Add up all the favorite numbers of the authors on the
pink team and you'll have all the secret code to enter for the grand prize!
To keep going on your quest for the hunt, you need to check out the next author!
Note: some authors will offer an additional, individual giveaway. If you want to do this, please feel free to do so.
Hey guys...have
a question about the Dark Rituals books you always wanted to
ask? I'm doing my first twitter Q/A. So please come ask some
questions!! Any questions!! Here's the official info: Got Qs
about the Dark Rituals saga? Send them to @catrinaburgess1 using
#DarkRitualQA and she'll answer on Feb 17!
*** 2/1/2016
My publishing house Full Fathom Five let me put the whole story
back up on Wattpad in celebration of book 4 – Legion going on
sale Feb 17th.
You can buy a
digital copy of the books on sale now through Googleplay,
Amazon, Nook.They
should be going on sale shortly on Kobo and Itunes.
Awakening, book 1 – sale price 99 cents.
Possession, book 2 – sale price $1.99
Revenant, book 3 – sale price $2.99
Legion, book 4 – going on sale Feb 17th,
price $5.99
That’s about $12 dollars for the four books
in the series.
A pretty good price when you realize I
worked on the stories almost full time for 3 years. It took me 2
years to write the first four books. And then it took me 8
months to work on the publisher’s edits of the books.
Blowing kisses
to all the readers who buy my books and support my writing. It
means more to me than you can ever know! You are helping me
follow my dream!
You can now buy the print version of book
1, 2 & 3 at Amazon, Barnes and Noble.
Overseas readers can get the print versions
from book depository. Awakening is $12.49 (shipping free).
Possession is $14.97 (shipping free) and Revenant is $14.53
(shipping free) Book depository ships to 100 countries.
If you liked the Dark Rituals books please
tell your friends about them!
Are there going to be more books in the
I have plans to write a prequel set in the
1920s. And I have an idea for a series set down the road in the
future called the Dark Days. In the Dark Days some of the
characters from The Dark Rituals will appear.
Am I going to write more about Colina’s and
Luke’s adventures? Never say never! I don’t have plans to write
anything at the moment, but you never know.
*** 10/6 The Winner of the
Paranormal Survival Kit has been announce- drumroll please… The
winner is…Barbara
Desmond! Congratulations, Barbara! ***
Coming 2016 - Book 4 -
Legion *** 8/08/ Wattpad gathered a
list of 25 horror stories together and Awakening made
the list! *** 8/11/ Beyond the Page Blog Seriesa tell-all about the
process of turning a manuscript into a published book